No Spenduary Update: Generosity on a Budget
/We are two weeks into our No Spenduary Challenge and so far so good!
I did want to clarify a few things- we ARE buying groceries every week, which include things like healthy fresh produce, milk and lean proteins.
This is important to our family. And in all honesty our grocery budget is something we do need to workout because since the birth of Issie, it's kind of taken a backseat. I have just been trying to survive and keep my head above water with a baby who doesn't sleep. (Pray for me, will you?)
So we are still on track with our spending and I will tell you it's made balancing the checkbook each Thursday SO MUCH EASIER!
Last week, however, my sister-in-law had a sweet baby girl and my husband wanted to meet that niece of his. So we looked at our budget and decided to take little road trip to his hometown this weekend.
We packed our own snacks and only payed for gas.
But I wanted to take my sister-in-law a care package. New mom care packages are a great way to bless mamas. Watch the video above to see how I put it all together.
Let's be honest, people go crazy over a new baby and forget mom, who did all the work.
I had $6 in ExtraCare bucks to my local CVS that I needed to use. I knew with my savvy eye I could get a pretty good amount of stuff for that. I brought the $5 to cover my tax.
And I brought my little red-haired shopping buddy.
I got hand soap for $.88
And body wash for $2.07.
I got chocolate for $1.99 and some lip balm for $1.50.
In total: I spent $6.44.
$7.01 after tax. So really is cost me $1.01.
I supplemented my care package with some homemade bath bombs, Crystal light packets, hand-painted note cards my friend, Elizabeth, makes. I threw in some detergent samples (because breast milk stains and spit up make no one feel special.)
And I included a light-hearted read I enjoyed (from my bookshelf) and a devotional I love. I was up front with her that the books were used. She didn't care.
Generosity and kindness do not have to be expensive.
It truly is the thought that counts. Leslie's face lit up when I gave her the care package. It was just for her. Just for mom. And she didn't have to share!
You can do little things to help out a friend or neighbor. If you know a family struggling, add an extra jar of peanut butter or gallon of milk to your grocery cart.
Bring a single mom's garbage can in from the road on trash day. Offer to babysit for free for a family with a special needs child to give those parents a little respite.
Or pray! Praying does not cost you a penny because that debt has ALREADY been paid!
What are some things you've done to show someone you care?