I heart hand me downs…

my family loves hand me downs .jpg

Our home is filled with hand me downs. The bed my husband and I sleep in, my oldest son's crib, our dining table. The very desk I am sitting at as a type this is a hand me down. 

This morning I dressed my children in hand me downs and we went outside to play on hand me down slide. 

I wrote about it just last week. Hand me downs are just one of the ways we save money in this house. And I don't feel shame in that. 

A very sweet friend of mine has been on a weight loss journey and as she has dropped the pounds she given me some very nice clothes. A few weeks ago we ran into each other at an anointment and there Issie and I were, both dressed in clothes she had given us. 

I could afford to go buy a new outfit, in fact I recently did a little clothes shopping. But only to buy a top to match the cute black skirt and equally cute denim jacket she gave me.

I love hand me downs for several reason. 

1. They save money. 

2. They are envormentally friendly. 

3. They are a blessing to the giver and the receiver. 

I recently loaded up a box of Issie's old clothes to pass on to my husband's friend. (She is due any day now.) She was thrilled and it was nice to know that the sweet clothes I had loved seeing on my son would again be used by someone I know. 

What is the best hand me down you ever recieved?