Is Amazon Prime right for you? + Get a Prime Membership for just $79 this weekend

Amazon is having a special sale on Prime Membership. This is a rare deal and you can get a membership for the old price of $79 saving you $20 on your annual membership. It usually costs $99 a year, so it's a pretty good deal. This deal starts Friday, November 18 at 12 a.m. E.T. and ends 3 a.m. Saturday, November 19 at 3 a.m. E.T. 

You probably already know that with a Prime Membership you get 2-Day free shipping. But, is it really worth the money? 

Well, I think so and I am going to tell you why. 

I'm busy, you're busy, we're all busy. I don't have the time to run to Walmart because we ran out of coffee, diapers or toilet paper. Do you? 

That's why I am in love with my Amazon Prime membership. But is it right for you? This is a question I get a lot from readers. Is a Prime Membership worth the money? 

I would hands down say yes. But only if you're using it to its full advantage. I think too many people get a membership because of "free 2-day shipping." But I remind you, it's not free, you paid for it. 

However, there are so many benefits to it beyond the shipping benefits. 

1. Video Streaming.

I’ve talked about this before, and I think everyone already knows you can stream movies through Amazon Prime.

To me the content that makes it worth streaming is the children's content? Not only are there shows like VeggieTales, Curious George and the Adventures in Odyssey videos, there are also great original shows for kids like Tumble Leaf (an adorable show about a fox named Fig) and another show my boys love called Creative Galaxy. So far I’ve been really impressed with the quality of the content. 

I am pretty picky about what I let my kids watch. I really want it to be educational and a lot of the shows produced by Disney or Nick Jr. just don't do it for me. Creative Galaxy and Tumble Leaf reminded me of something we would watch on PBS Kids. I was very impressed. 

You can also download programs and movies to your tablet or PC for offline viewing. So if your family is traveling and you have been wanting to binge-watch Downton Abbey in the car. Go for it. 

You can stream directly on your computer or phone. Or you can purchase a streaming device like the Fire TV Stick. We purchased one of these for my mother-in-law last year and she seems to enjoy it. 

2. Music streaming

I know it's not Christmas yet, but I LOVE listening to the Rend Collective Christmas album. I know I love it because I was able to stream it before I purchased it. I could download the whole thing onto my iPod and take it on the road with me. 

The app will also download any music you've already purchased from Amazon AND retroactively download any physical CD you ever purchased through Amazon.

3. 20% off diapers! 

Do you have a little one? Or are you a grandparent? You get an Amazon Family (formerly Amazon Mom) membership with your prime membership.  That means you automatically get 20% off orders of diapers and wipes. This goes a long way. We had two kids in diapers for a long time and this discount was a huge blessing! And now that we have another baby coming I am looking forward to saving the money again! 

4. Exclusive coupons

Amazon regularly gives discounts to Prime members on things you will use like half off a certain brand of diaper or 35 percent off dishwasher pods. You can combine these with additional savings. I was recently able to get a big box of 96-count Pull-Ups for $5. 

5. Free books! 

A lot of people know about the Kindle lending library that allows prime members to borrow books. But did you know that once a month Kindle first  will give you an ebook for free (sometimes it’s two when they have a promotion!). These books are often prerelease and are given away in the hopes you will read them and leave a review. So far I have pretty much liked every book I’ve gotten this way. 

6. Photo storage 

Amazon cloud allows you to upload photos, videos, and files to the cloud for storage. Since I have this blog and I have two cute kids I have a lot of photos in the cloud. And I am so glad they are there. Because when my computer bit the dust earlier this year, I knew my photos were backed up! 

7. Free movie rentals, songs and books! 

You probably already know that Amazon Prime comes with 2-day shipping. I don't call it "free" because that's the reason you purchased a membership to begin with. You've already paid for the shipping. 

However Amazon will occasionally offer you $.99 credit to put toward movie rentals, music and ebooks. You can bank these credits and use multiple credits at one time. I save these for date nights at home. 


If you use Subscribe and Save you get giant boxes that can be pirate ships, space ships or race cars.

f you want to sign up for Prime at a great price before the holidays begin now is a great time to do it. Remember the sale will end at Saturday, November 19 at 3 a.m. E.T.

This post contains affiliate links. When you make a purchase I will get a small percentage of that sale at NO extra cost to you. 

What about you? Do you think a membership is worth it?