Chalkboard Table

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The people of Pinterest are totally in love with DIY chalk boards. Seriously just type in "chalk board" in Pinterest and you will get a ton of envy-worthy ideas.

Now that baby boy is almost 10 months old we are finally getting his room the way I want it. (We move when he was six weeks old. It threw me for a loop.)

His room is actually one of two living rooms in this old house. And it's the only room with carpet. So their is a lot of room to play with.

I wanted to make him a chalkboard table that, when he got older, he could draw on the table, learn to write his name, draw little roads for his trucks.

It was so simple.


BeforeI took an extra table I "inherited" from my great aunt.

Then I just took some chalkboard paint that I purchased really cheap at Lowes and I painted away.


It took 10 minutes and I think it looks like a sleek black table!


For more great ideas be sure to head over to Romance on a Dime for Take it On Tuesday.