Mom up! Keep going when the parenting/living/breathing/lack of sleep get tough

Mom up! That's what I had to tell myself last week. It's been a rough few days. (Week/Months)

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First, my youngest son, Issie, doesn't sleep. It's getting better but he has never slept through the night. At eight months I can count on one hand the nights he has slept more than five hour straight. It's been tough. 

The past few weeks it's gotten worse, every 90 minutes he was up screaming. 

Then we had vermin in our laundry room. Our rental house is OVER 60 years old and the laundry room is in the unattached garage. (Seriously, I want to meet the man- because you know it was a man- who designed this house and I want to beat him.)

By vermin I mean large rat. And that rat got into our washing machine and ate through some of my really cute clothes. When I say cute clothes I mean the few things I own that are not covered in breast milk and spit up stains. 

Then, while making baby food I cut my finger open (see video). I went to urgent care to get stitched up and there I picked up a nasty virus that has left me hacking and coughing and generally miserable for a good week. 

And then the ice storm hit and we couldn't go outside for days. 

So there I was, trying to entertain my sweet toddler and a fussy baby while hacking up a lung. The silver lining was that for two days my husband had to stay home from work because of the weather. 

But when he returned to work it was just me and the boys and my nasty cough. 

I wanted to lay on the floor and sleep for days. 

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But when this little face comes up to you and asks you to play- you play. You MOM UP and you play.

Plus when I was coughing he kept asking "Are you okay, Mama?" Which was the cutest thing ever! 

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You Mom UP! Because there are rocking horses that need to be ridden.

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And the bubbles won't blow themselves. 

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Because there is mischief to be made. 

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And giant shoes to be played with. 

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Because one day they will be grown. And you'll want it all back. 

Have you had to mom up recently? 

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