Becoming a work at home mom: Finding your niche

Becoming a work at home mom: Finding your niche

This is part of a 30 Day series on getting started. This week we are focusing on starting a home-based business.

I have been running a business from home for almost three years. And by my own definition of success, it is successful. 

I get asked by a lot of women A LOT of women how to start a business. So I thought this week I would walk your through it. 

Today let's discuss finding your niche!

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9 time management tips (and tips on other things) for work at home moms

9 time management tips (and tips on other things) for work at home moms

Working from home sounds like the ideal, right? You get to stay at home in your jammies, get some work done, maybe a load of laundry, hang out with your kids. Easy peasy? Nope. No, it's not. 

Working at home, especially with kids, is a fine balance of time and home management. It's all about telling your time where to go. 

Just like at the beginning of the month when you make a budget, you also have to budget your time. In order to see business growth and success this is something you have to do daily. 

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4 tips for maximizing your morning work time

4 tips for maximizing your morning work time

This week we have been talking about becoming a Work at Home Mom, what my journey has been like and some things you can do.

Yesterday I talked about how one of the ways I schedule in work time is by getting up a little earlier. I am not talking about 4:30 or 5 in the morning, although I have done that, I am talking about just 15-30 minutes before my kids get up.

You can accomplish so much, but you have to maximize that morning time.

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Three Ways I save Time "At Work" with schedules

Three Ways I save Time "At Work" with schedules

I've been working from home a little over a year now and I love it. My business is really growing and in some ways this blog is turning into a business too. It's all very exciting. 

But I have a toddler and I am going to have another baby very soon and I know that my life and the way I run my business will change. 

So I wanted to share with you five ways I save time at work. 

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10 Side-Hustles to Help You Earn Extra Income

10 Side-Hustles to Help You Earn Extra Income

This is day five in a series 30 Days to Start. This week we are focusing on the process of getting out of debt.

I have noticed a trend among my frugal living fiends. It's a common theme that I think ties us all together. It is the side hustle. 

I think it is because we all realize that clipping coupons, making all your meals from scratch, living without cable and new cars and magazine subscriptions and vacations will only get you to a certain point. 

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So you want to be a work at home mom...

So you want to be a work at home mom...

I hear from a lot of women who want to transition from Working Moms to Work at Home Moms. And to be honest with you, I am not an expert on this. 

Yes, I do own a business. And I am fortunate to work with some really great clients. And while I am always happy to try to assist other moms in reaching their goals, I always feel like I am not qualified to offer advice. 

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